ESS 72
PTA 60
CAR 75
WBD 83
MEL 62
GCS 120
STK 135
RIC 53
HAW 76
GWS 64
BRL 70
GEE 61
ADE 114
NTH 78
WCE 68
FRE 106

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This is a preview of the new post match analysis report. It's currently under development, so expect to see more content in the coming weeks.

If you have any advice or suggestions, please use this contact form to let us know!

West Coast
Stats Breakdown - Frees Against
Name Stat Yearly Av. Recent Opp. Av.
Lachie Neale 3 1 +2 (+200.0%) 1 +2 (+200.0%)
Jarrod Berry 2 0 +2 (+∞%) 0 +2 (+∞%)
Sam Day 2 0 +2 (+∞%) 1 +1 (+100.0%)
Dayne Zorko 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 0.3 +0.7 (+233.3%)
Levi Ashcroft 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 0 +1 (+∞%)
Oscar McInerney 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 0.7 +0.3 (+42.9%)
Hugh McCluggage 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 0.7 +0.3 (+42.9%)
Will Ashcroft 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 0.5 +0.5 (+100.0%)
Darcy Wilmot 1 4 -3 (-75.0%) 0.5 +0.5 (+100.0%)
Callum Ah Chee 1 4 -3 (-75.0%) 0.7 +0.3 (+42.9%)
Noah Answerth 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 1 +0 (+0%)
Bruce Reville 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Will McLachlan 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Jack Payne 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Cameron Rayner 0 2 -2 (-100.0%) 1.7 -1.7 (-100.0%)
Conor McKenna 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0.7 -0.7 (-100.0%)
Logan Morris 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Zac Bailey 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 0.7 -0.7 (-100.0%)
Eric Hipwood 0 3 -3 (-100.0%) 1 -1 (-100.0%)
Jaspa Fletcher 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 0.5 -0.5 (-100.0%)
Harris Andrews 0 2 -2 (-100.0%) 0.7 -0.7 (-100.0%)
Ryan Lester 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 0.7 -0.7 (-100.0%)
Josh Dunkley 0 2 -2 (-100.0%) 0.3 -0.3 (-100.0%)
West Coast
Name Stat Yearly Av. Recent Opp. Av.
Harley Reid 7 0 +7 (+∞%) 1 +6 (+600.0%)
Jayden Hunt 4 0 +4 (+∞%) 0.3 +3.7 (+1233.3%)
Liam Baker 3 3 +0 (+0%) 2 +1 (+50.0%)
Oscar Allen 2 1 +1 (+100.0%) 0.3 +1.7 (+566.7%)
Bailey Williams 2 0 +2 (+∞%) 0 +2 (+∞%)
Archer Reid 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 0 +1 (+∞%)
Jack Petruccelle 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 0.7 +0.3 (+42.9%)
Tyler Brockman 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 0.3 +0.7 (+233.3%)
Clay Hall 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 0 +1 (+∞%)
Thomas Cole 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 2 -1 (-50.0%)
Ryan Maric 1 0 +1 (+∞%) 0 +1 (+∞%)
Liam Duggan 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 1 +0 (+0%)
Tim Kelly 1 1 +0 (+0%) 0 +1 (+∞%)
Tyrell Dewar 1 2 -1 (-50.0%) 0 +1 (+∞%)
Noah Long 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Harry Edwards 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0.3 -0.3 (-100.0%)
Liam Ryan 0 0 +0 (+0%) 1 -1 (-100.0%)
Reuben Ginbey 0 0 +0 (+0%) 1.5 -1.5 (-100.0%)
Brady Hough 0 0 +0 (+0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Matthew Owies 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 0 +0 (+0%)
Jeremy McGovern 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 0.7 -0.7 (-100.0%)
Jamie Cripps 0 0 +0 (+0%) 1.7 -1.7 (-100.0%)
Elijah Hewett 0 1 -1 (-100.0%) 3 -3 (-100.0%)

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