Q1 23:57

Ads provide web developers the support to continue providing their services. If our ads are of annoyance, please provide recommendations to help us improve.

Zac Fisher
2022 Handball Rankings
Round Opponent Weekly Handball Cumulative Handball Competition Rank Weekly Change
1 RIC 8 8 100th -
2 WBD 12 20 52nd ▲48
3 HAW 9 29 60th ▼8
4 GCS 9 38 62nd ▼2
5 PTA 10 48 61st ▲1
6 FRE 6 54 61st -
7 NTH 5 59 80th ▼19
8 ADE 10 69 75th ▲5
9 GWS 8 77 74th ▲1
10 SYD 4 81 86th ▼12
11 COL 10 91 81st ▲5
12 - - 91 93rd ▼12
13 ESS 6 97 92nd ▲1
14 RIC 10 107 82nd ▲10
15 FRE 12 119 77th ▲5
16 STK 10 129 75th ▲2
17 WCE 3 132 80th ▼5
18 GEE 10 142 79th ▲1
19 GWS 14 156 69th ▲10
20 ADE 3 159 80th ▼11
21 BRL 6 165 84th ▼4
22 MEL 11 176 80th ▲4
23 COL 8 184 80th -
24 - - 184 82nd ▼2
25 - - 184 83rd ▼1
26 - - 184 83rd -
27 - - 184 84th ▼1

Ads provide web developers the support to continue providing their services. If our ads are of annoyance, please provide recommendations to help us improve.