SYD 95
PTA 59
September 21

Ads provide web developers the support to continue providing their services. If our ads are of annoyance, please provide recommendations to help us improve.

Tyrone Vickery
2016 Disposal Rankings
Round Opponent Weekly Disposal Cumulative Disposal Competition Rank Weekly Change
1 CAR 8 8 355th -
2 COL 10 18 343rd ▲12
3 ADE 13 31 319th ▲24
4 WCE 5 36 345th ▼26
5 MEL 7 43 356th ▼11
6 PTA 12 55 337th ▲19
7 HAW 7 62 347th ▼10
8 SYD 8 70 348th ▼1
9 FRE 2 72 365th ▼17
10 ESS 13 85 356th ▲9
11 NTH 8 93 355th ▲1
12 GCS 3 96 366th ▼11
13 - - 96 378th ▼12
14 BRL 10 106 373rd ▲5
15 PTA 6 112 365th ▲8
16 - - 112 386th ▼21
17 - - 112 398th ▼12
18 - - 112 408th ▼10
19 GWS 8 120 407th ▲1
20 COL 11 131 401st ▲6
21 GEE 10 141 397th ▲4
22 - - 141 405th ▼8
23 - - 141 415th ▼10
24 - - 141 417th ▼2
25 - - 141 419th ▼2
26 - - 141 419th -

Ads provide web developers the support to continue providing their services. If our ads are of annoyance, please provide recommendations to help us improve.