SYD 60
BRL 120

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Aaron Davey
2011 Kick Rankings
Round Opponent Weekly Kick Cumulative Kick Competition Rank Weekly Change
1 SYD 17 17 21st -
2 HAW 12 29 33rd ▼12
3 BRL 7 36 72nd ▼39
4 GCS 17 53 41st ▲31
5 - - 53 72nd ▼31
6 WCE 12 65 63rd ▲9
7 ADE 18 83 37th ▲26
8 NTH 19 102 21st ▲16
9 STK 5 107 37th ▼16
10 - - 107 73rd ▼36
11 - - 107 100th ▼27
12 - - 107 131st ▼31
13 - - 107 156th ▼25
14 - - 107 176th ▼20
15 - - 107 197th ▼21
16 - - 107 212th ▼15
17 - - 107 230th ▼18
18 - - 107 243rd ▼13
19 - - 107 254th ▼11
20 CAR 7 114 252nd ▲2
21 WCE 6 120 252nd -
22 RIC 7 127 242nd ▲10
23 - - 127 255th ▼13
24 - - 127 266th ▼11

Ads provide web developers the support to continue providing their services. If our ads are of annoyance, please provide recommendations to help us improve.